Partnerships and Recurring Programs
As part our outreach programming the USMCHC is continually developing partnerships with historic sites throughout the country. They constitute part of a series of partnerships and recurring programming between the USMCHC and various National, State, and Local historical sites throughout the country where the Marine Corps was in some way involved or had an impact. Working in direct support of the United States Marine Corps and Marine Corps Heritage Foundation, the focus is to specifically tell the Marine Corps story and point of view at these sites, based on the concept title History through the eyes of Marines.
The purpose of these partnerships are:
- To provide outreach historical educational programming supporting the Marine Corps at historical sites throughout the country, and to assist in telling the “Marine Corps story” at these sites.
- To allow the US Marine Corps (through the USMCHC) to have input on specific Marine Corps related historical programming at these sites. For every site there are multiple points of view and historical incidents and eras that must be presented. These partnerships will allow the Marine Corps Historical Company, working in association with each site’s staff, to specifically and objectively present the Marine Corps point of view of a specific incident or historical era as it relates to each site, and thus allowing the Corps to have input on how its own heritage and history is being presented.
- To provide a level of continuity, quality, and standardization in the presentation of Marine Corps History at relevant sites throughout the country.
- To make available a centralized system for research, program development, and material resources to aid in the presentation of Marine Corps specific historical programs at these sites.
- Working in concert with the sites, develop standards of accuracy and quality in the material history, presentation techniques, and authenticity in the presentation of Marine Corps specific programming that meet or exceed the expectations and standards of both the site and the Marine Corps.
- Working with each site, and in accordance with that site’s operation and management plan, to develop related temporary and permanent exhibits, and printed brochures telling of the Marine Corps’ involvement at that site and its impact on history. In turn, written material highlighting the individual site’s contribution to Marine Corps history will be made available through the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation and other historic sites involved in the partnership program.
Some of the USMCHC’s current partnerships include:
- Harpers Ferry National Historical Park where we tell the story of the Marines that captured John Brown in 1859;
- Ft. McHenry National Historical Site, where we focus on the Marines during the War of 1812;
- Battleship North Carolina Memorial, where we present the story of “seagoing” Marines during WW2.
- The Marine Corps Legacy Museum, Harrison , AR
- The Virginia Museum of Military Vehicles, Nokesville, VA,
As an example, the USMCHCs partnership with Harpers Ferry National Historical Park primarily focuses on the Marines that were involved in the capture John Brown in 1859. As part of this partnership the USMCHC, working in concert with park staff, is responsible for the development and presentation of Marine Corps specific programs using living history and other interpretive techniques, both as part of larger programs being presented by the Park and as standalone presentations related to the United States Marine Corps and its involvement at Harpers Ferry. We act as the principal organization representing the history of the United States Marine Corps, and coordinate and/or approve, in conjunction with Park’s staff and established standards, the involvement of any other organization wishing to portray US Marines at the Park. Responsibilities include:
- Develop and present talks and living history type programs specifically telling the Marine Corps story at Harpers Ferry.
- Procure and maintain a stock of museum quality reproduction Marine Corps uniforms, equipment and weapons to be used for the above mentioned programs, and be available for loan to NPS staff for specific programs.
- Provide trained (meeting or exceeding NPS-6 standards) Historical Interpretive personnel to represent the Marine Corps for any special program at the site, either as requested by the Park or by special interest groups.
- Develop temporary and permanent exhibits that fall within the Park’s operation and management plan, telling the Marine Corps story at the site.
- Develop brochures and other written material to specifically tell the story of Marine Corps involvement at the site
- Develop an Interpreters guide to be available to anyone wishing to present Marine Corps programming at the site.
- Coordinate other organizations which represent or portray US Marines that may be needed or requested as part of either a general Park program, or special program.
If your historic site or museum included involvement of the US Marine Corps in its history and would like the USMCHC to provide support or assist you with a program please contact the director’s office, di************@ao*.com“>di************@ao*.com, or call (301) 662-3141 for information.
Listings of upcoming Public Programs involving the USMCHC can be viewed on the Calendar page or on our Facebook page. Information and photos of previous programs can also be viewed on Facebook.